Living Wage Week Events

During Living Wage Week there are events up and down the country. Check the list below to see if there’s an event near you and if not – think about organising one yourself.

You can also run a small internal event to celebrate within your organisation.

What are Living Wage Week events for?

UK Map populated with dots
  • To bring organisations together either as a regional network or internally 

  • To celebrate achievements – accreditations, awards, press​ 

  • To share information about schemes like Living Hours, Living Pension and best practice​ 

  • To inspire action and encourage organisations to accredit or take the next step ​on their Living Wage journey 

Attend an Event

Events will be confirmed soon and appear on this webpage.


Get inspired

From how to get involved to training on organising your own events, our team share how you can get involved in Living Wage Week 2023. 

To watch this video, please use the password: livingwageweek2023

Host your own Living Wage Week event

As well as joining our events, hosting your own event is a brilliant way to spread the word about the paying the Living Wage, or your commitment to providing Living Hours and a Living Pension.   

The event could be with your own team or with other employers in your region or sector.

Three people sat on colourful outdoor chairs hold up Living Wage branded mugs in front of a banner with the Living Wage Foundation logo

Use our event resources to plan your event

We have a number event resources to help you plan your event, everything from a checklist to copy for setting up an event page. Download this pack of resources.